Saturday, October 31, 2015

"Crow Queen"

Happy Halloween from me and my beautiful Crow Queen. 

This series was planned in less then 24hrs. I wanted to get one more art series out before Halloween was over. We had planned on doing something completely different but sadly I could not find the props I needed for the shoot, so that one is postponed to a later date. However, I did not let that stop me from planning something else. For a few years nows I have had a crush on crows and vise versa. Its become a running joke with friends and family that they follow me around everywhere. Which is what inspired this series the 
"Crow Queen" because I secretly wish I could be one.

Model : Chelsea Brown

Friday, October 30, 2015

Carissa & Kennedy

There is something so beautiful about mother & daughter relationships and Carissa and Kennedy prove that with each photo I captured. Every photo we took I loved more then the last. I just wanted to capture their smiles and bond all day long. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Till Death Do Us Part"

Overjoyed to be sharing this series 
"Till Death Do Us Part"
For a long time I wanted to create more art styled shoots and I'm happy I finally got to bring this one to life with the help of my two models Chelsea and Casey.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blake & Annah | A Wedding With A View

I'm a blessed photographer. There is really no other way around it. Two weeks ago I came across a photographer who had a sudden emergency and needed someone to photograph Blake and Annah's wedding. So of course I said I would help out and I'm so glad I did. I had spoken to Annah two days prior to her wedding for about 5 minutes but did not get to meet the lovely couple till the actual day of the ceremony. Which is a little scary because I love to build trust and make my clients feel comfortable with me before they have to stand in front of my lens. However, Blake and Annah were by far the most relaxed and at ease couple I have met. They're perfect for each other. They welcomed me into their day with open arms and so much southern hospitably. Not to mention they kept me laughing pretty much the entire time. Oh and if that wasn't icing on the cake the location itself was literally the most beautiful spot in all of Nashville. On top of the hills looking down at the Tennessee valley watching the sweetest couple said their "I Do's" in front of a gorgeous sunset. Like I said before... I'm a blessed photographer.